About Me

I am working as a data engineer at Ørsted. I have been at Ørsted since 2008 and it has been quite a journey. The company went from being a state owned public company to a listed company on the Danish Stock Exchange and from relying almost only on fossil fuels to a company making only renewable energy. All this while being profitable and since our IPO the value of the company has tripled....

January 8, 2022


Kostplan 1900 kcal 350 kcal MORGEN: 350g skyr naturel 236 kcal 32g protein 100g æble/pære/appelsin 46 kcal 12 stk nødder (12g) 72 kcal eller 24g protein 1½ sk rugbrød (75g) 153 kcal 2 stk æg 156 kcal 2-3 sk magert kødpålæg max 3% (35g) 38 kcal eller 16g protein 1½ dl havregryn (52g) 192 kcal 2 dl minimælk 76 kcal 12 stk nødder (12g) 72 kcal 500 kcal FROKOST: ca. 250g blandet salat/grøntsager 100 kcal...

October 11, 2023

Vax N Chill

Some good advice how to take on the 2nd and maybe 3rd year of covid 19. ZDoggMD has it lined out for you :-)

January 17, 2022